Sunday, November 17, 2013

Chemo and Care Packs

Getting instructions from one of my favorite nurses, Donna. I have
been blessed to have so many wonderful nurses to care for me!
I  finished chemo #33 last Thursday, and again made the decision to spread joy instead of focusing on the "icky" affects of chemo. Tenaciously Teal (T. Teal) handed out twenty Care Packs on Thursday, despite a little bureaucratic hindrance. We are planning to hand out thirty more in November before we start spreading "chemo cheer" with cocoa, fuzzy socks, a mug and candy cane Christmas presents we have collected for.

Before my infusion, and after passing out Care Packs in the chemo center for those battling with no medical insurance, I went to the hospital floor where I myself recovered from Cancer surgery. This process has become routine, and I've never had any problems. This day, however, a nurse wanted me to call the volunteer coordinator who proceeded to call me into his office after I explained what I was doing. I was reprimanded for not checking with their office prior to handing out Care Packs, and so you can imagine the disgruntlement when he learned this was not my first time  at the hospital, not to mention the time when my husband, dressed as a gorilla, and accompanied me to  pass out Care Packs on Halloween:)

I know what your thinking, why would I just start passing out Care Packs without permission? But that's not the case. I was given the okay by the infusion center, and had the floor managers approval when visiting patients recovering from surgery. It's never easy to hear the words " You Can't", and to be honest I was discouraged, especially when I learned I must go through a series of interviews, screenings, and all Care Pack items must receive individual clearance before I can return.

Visiting with other patients receiving chemo
 It felt like a road block intended to discourage me from       continuing this mission, but ultimately it's going to take more than screenings to stop me from fighting to spread Light! Luckily none of this pertains to continuing to pass out Care Packs at the Cancer Center where I receive treatment, but it will prevent some patients from receiving a Care Pack and encouraging least until T. Teal can bust through some red tape!

If you haven't already liked us on Facebook do so to keep up with everything T. Teal is doing to spread hope and joy to those fighting Cancer! Find us at:

Continue to pray God will bless T. Teal and use this ministry to show His love for those enduring a battle with Cancer!

One of my new friends, Tom, we have gotten to visit several times
at the Cancer Center, and I enjoy seeing him each time! Tom is battling Pancreatic Cancer, and is a true fighter displayed by his constant smile and how he makes it to chemo every other week while continuing to work into retirement age!

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